Data Classification Framework

64% of organizations say they don’t know where their sensitive content is located or who can access it.
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“We had no idea how vulnerable we were”

Varonis quickly discovers sensitive content, shows you where it is exposed, and helps you lock it down (and keep it that way) without interrupting business.

Finding sensitive content is only the beginning

Once you know where your sensitive content lives, the really difficult challenges arise: 

  • Who has access to it?
  • Who is using it?
  • Who owns it?
  • Has it been breached?
  • Can I delete or archive it?
  • Where am I most at risk?
  • Who will be impacted when I make a change?

Varonis gives you context around the sensitive content that we find, allowing you to prioritize and successfully protect it, remain compliant, and avoid data breaches.

 Varonis Data Classification Framework has helped us be more efficient while giving us visibility in specific areas where we really needed more visibility. I know without a shadow of a doubt where our credit card information is, and the location of any social security numbers. 

Ian Aguilar, CTO , Campbell Global

Your risk, prioritised

A built-in report shows you where sensitive content is highly
concentrated and over-exposed, so you know what to lock down first.

Simulate and commit changes safely

Model your remediation efforts in a sandbox so you know exactly what will happen before you execute a change.

Commit your changes directly through our interface and Varonis will take care of the rest.

A folder called « Passwords »? Not you.

Knowing where your most critical information is the first step towards avoiding a disastrous data breach.

Compliance packs

With one click we’ll automatically scan for content relevant to PCI, HIPPA, SOX, and more.

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True incremental scans

Our real-time knowledge of file creations and modifications allows us to scan from a list of known changes.

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Alert and quarantine

Get notified when sensitive content becomes exposed. Auto-quarantine files with Data Transport Engine.

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Flexible architecture

Use our highly efficient scanning engine or pull in classification results from a third-party DLP product.

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Powerful rules

Customizable RegEx and dictionaries gives you the power to find and classify what’s most important to your business.

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Accurate results

Algorithmic verification, such as IBAN, Luhn, and Verhoeff, helps ensure accurate classification results.

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