Security ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the specification for Information Security Management which provides independent, external verification that your chosen security framework is effective.

MTI has a proven track record in helping organisations to fully implement and achieve this internationally recognised standard, both in readiness for formal certification and in designing pragmatic yet comprehensive Information Security Management Systems that ensure serious exposures to business information are not left unidentified or unknowingly ignored.

« ISO27001 ensures an organisation has a structured and appropriate manner to managing risk. »

MTI Gap Analysis

The MTI ISO 27001 gap analysis allows you to benchmark your organisation’s compliance against the ISO 27001 standard before you apply to a certification body to have your final audit conducted.

This allows you to identify any shortcomings in your organisation’s processes and policies that may ultimately result in your organisation failing the final certification audit.
Deliverables include:

  • Onsite Workshop at your location
  • Review 35 Sections of the ISO 27001 standard
  • MTI will provide a comprehensive report post review highighting non compliance areas

For details on the service itself, 35 sections of the ISO 27001 standard, see the Service Details page.

Or book in a call with one of our experts and discuss your project – Talk to an expert

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